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The Interceptor (Ocean Clean-up group)

First off, what is The Interceptor?

The Interceptor is a machine designed by Boyan Slat made in 2017. If you watch YouTube, then you probably know who Mark Rober is. He made a video on this a couple months back, and I thought back to that when doing a project. He made an awesome video on it, so check it out.

The Interceptor sits at the bottom of a polluted river, and has a barrier going from one side of the river to the other side. The trash follows the barrier, and goes across the river to the machine. But, the barrier is only a foot underwater, so all organisms that live there can still swim underneath. On the other side of the river, there is the machine. It has a conveyor belt that leads all the trash into six giant bins. When those bins fill up, they take it to a landfill, and bring in six new bins.


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