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Our Work

Here you can just a few of the main things we have done, and what amazing things they are. If you were one oof the people that helped us do this (the beach clean up to test our products or helped get a meeting time and contact Richard I think you so much and will be open to partner with you again later on. Once more, if you would like to be one of those people feel free to make an account for this website and contact me through the chat or my email and if enough people join we might be able to do something like this again.



Interview with Richard Founder and CEO of the biggest unmanned ocean recon companies

Ryan and Me got such an amazing opportunity; and we got to interview the founder of Saildrone one of the most significant contenders in unmanned ocean research. You can watch our interview in the video gallery.


We organised a beach clean up of ocean trash

Using our product the static sand sifter we sifted microplastics out of the sand by allowing the static electricity in the mesh to hold onto nylon and clothing fibres.



We started two petitions on

We started a petition on one of the largest and most extensive petition websites to change a law about Plastic pollution and another to help fund and set up beach and ocean clean-up groups. You can view then both either here or here. we have also shared it on Facebook, Linkedin, made Youtube videos, and on Tiktok so you can keep your eyes peeled for updates and more.


We made this website

After extensive and hard research we made this website to try and change something in this world. We went around doing this in all the ways you can see above but we thought that one of the most useful things is not only collecting the ocean trash it is stopping it at the source, to do this we decided to use a website because if you have internet you can access it and it is a great way to inform people about a problem; our way to help stop climate change and plastic pollution in its tracks. 

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