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EK 80 Precision Sonar

The Simrad EK80 is a high-precision scientific echo sounder and ADCP system designed to quantify and monitor underwater ecosystems. The Simrad EK80 is, furthermore, capable of operating several different transceiver and transducer combinations (math equations to understand inputs of data).

This is a picture of what the sonar sees:

Diagram of the EK 80 *note: a proper diagram is not published because it is patented*

A. Display (the second display is optional)

B. Processor Unit (computer)

C. Ethernet switch

D. Transceivers (Wide Band Transceiver (WBT))

E. Transducers

How it all works:

The transducer converts the electric energy generated by the transceiver to physical vibrations. These vibrations alter the water pressure and create an acoustic pulse that is sent into the water. The acoustic signal is transmitted as a beam. The duration of the acoustic pulse, as well as its frequency and shape, are controlled by the transceiver. The direction and opening angle of the beam is controlled by the transceiver and the physical properties of the transducer.

After the transmission, the transducer works as a "microphone". It converts the water pressure created by the acoustic echoes to electric energy. These weak echo signals are sent to the amplifiers in the transceiver.


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