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How Harmful are Microplastics? And are They Even Harmful in the First Place?

The definition of a microplastic is; any piece of plastic measuring five millimeters in size down to one micrometer, that is one-thousandth of a millimeter. Plastic particles that are smaller - from one micrometer down to 100 nanometers - are defined as sub-microplastic. Particles below 100 nanometers are called nanoplastic. Studies show, that most of the plastic particles possess sizes in lower micrometer range. Today we see all types of plastic - from nanoplastics to large square meters in our oceans and no one gives them a second glance.

Today we don't really know how harmful microplastics are but it has been shown that anything the size of a nanoplastic and smaller can enter your cells and rupture them. so far though we only know that humans and aquatic life can absorb microplastics, although we know that the base form of many of the plastics are toxic we have no proof that in such small amounts it is harmful. Although we know that microplastics never leave your system there is no way to know that they have harmed anything other than fish all signs show that it is harmful but no human has ever come in sick which a specific diagnosis of "microplastic poisoning." So from what we know no, they do not harm humans.


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