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Biodegradable plastics and bioplastics

First off, what is bioplastics and biodegradable plastics? Bioplastics are plastics, but from biological sources instead of petroleum. Biodegradable plastics are designed to break down when exposed to microorganisms.

Bioplastics are used widely across the world by humankind. Bioplastics were brought with a challenge though. You need to take good care of bioplastics if you care about the environment at all. You must throw away all biopastics, even if it isn't yours (if you need something to make you more determined, then keep track of how many pieces of trash you throw away, and compete with friends or family). Half of the world uses biodegradable plastics, rather than bioplastics. Companies should start to make more and more biodegradable plastics as the years go on. That would make the oceans less and less dirty, and it would be much better for humans and marine mammals.


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